• We have several options for advertisers. Check out our advertising tab for more information.

  • Every issue is unique and a product of what’s important and relevant in our community within the season of publication. As interests change, so does the content. That’s life!

  • We are a semiannual publication



  • Short answer. No. It’s a lifestyle magazine. Long answer. As the editor and publisher for TLM, I tend to focus content on what is interesting and relevant to me… a woman in my 40’s with well rounded interests. Would men benefit from reading TLM? Yes! Are men our target demographic? No.

  • Yes. We keep TLM as local as we can!

    From our feature content to our writers, photographers, models etc. you’ll find that our focus is on the Tri-Cities and surrounding areas.

  • We are an independent magazine, meaning… we are self published!